Nature’s power to revitalize your oral health.
Oradox Oral Serum is a one drop oral rinse concentrate which revitalizes oral health with power of nature. Available in four flavours.
- It is vegan, organic and gluten-free.
- Easy to use & convenient product.
- Enhances oral hygiene practices and creates a healthier oral environment.
- Available in refreshing flavors that help to mask unpleasant odors in the mouth.
- Tea tree oil prevents conditions like gingivitis by reducing oral pathogens.
- Grapeseed Oil helps fight bacteria in the mouth and reduces the risk of dental plaque formation and gum disease.
- Cinnamon Oil has anti-inflammatory effects, which can be beneficial for gum health.
- Copaiba Oil is known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. In oral rinses, Copaiba oil helps alleviate gum inflammation and reduce discomfort associated with oral conditions.
- Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can help protect oral tissues from oxidative damage. In oral rinses, it may aid in reducing inflammation and promoting gum health.
- Vitamin C is well-known for its Antioxidant properties and its role in collagen synthesis. In oral rinses, it can help promote gum health by supporting collagen production and enhancing wound healing.
- Echinacea purpurea, boosts the immune system’s response to oral infections and reduces inflammation.
- Mint Serum, 1 x 30ml.
- Lime Serum, 1 x 30ml.
- Orange Serum, 1 x 30ml.
- Strawberry Serum, 1 x 30ml.
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