Instructions for use
1. Direct Restorations :
SELF-ETCHING TECHNIQUE : Prepare cavity. Wash thoroughly with water spray. Use an absorbent pellet or high volume evacuation (HVE) for 1-2 seconds, to remove excess water (do not desiccate).
SELECTIVE – ETCHING TECHNIQUE : Prepare cavity. Wash thoroughly with water spray. Etch enamel using an etchant for 15 seconds. Rinse thoroughly. Remove excess water by blotting the surface with an absorbent pellet or high volume evacuation (HVE) for 1-2 seconds, leaving the preparation visibly moist.
a. Dispense 1-2 drops of Renew MDP into a clean well. Replace the cap onto the bottle promptly to avoid evaporation of solvent.
b. Apply two separate coats of Renew MDP, scrubbing the preparation with a microbrush for 10-15 seconds per coat. Do not light cure between coats.
c. Evaporate excess solvent by thoroughly air-drying with an air syringe for at least 10 seconds, there should be no visible movement of the adhesive. The surface should have a uniform glossy appearance; otherwise, apply an additional coat of Renew MDP and repeat Steps 2 and 3.
d. Light cure for 20 seconds.
e. Continue with placement of the restorative material according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
2. Indirect Restorations :
Tooth Preparation :
SELF-ETCHING TECHNIQUE : Prepare cavity. Wash thoroughly with water spray. Use an absorbent pellet or high volume evacuation (HVE) for 1-2 seconds, to remove excess water (do not desiccate).
SELECTIVE – ETCHING TECHNIQUE : Prepare cavity. Wash thoroughly with water spray. Etch enamel using an etchant for 15 seconds. Rinse thoroughly. Remove excess water by blotting the surface with an absorbent pellet or high volume evacuation (HVE) for 1-2 seconds, leaving the preparation visibly moist.
a. Dispense 1-2 drops of Renew MDP into a clean well. Replace the cap onto the bottle promptly to avoid evaporation of solvent.
b. Apply two separate coats of Renew MDP, scrubbing the preparation with a microbrush for 10-15 seconds per coat. Do not light cure between coats.
c. Evaporate excess solvent by thoroughly air-drying with an air syringe for at least 10 seconds, there should be no visible movement of the adhesive. The surface should have a uniform glossy appearance; otherwise, apply an additional coat of Renew MDP and repeat Steps 2 and 3.
d. Light cure for 10 seconds.
e. Continue with cementation.
Priming of Metal, Zirconia, Alumina, Composite and Post Restorations :
1. Prepare the surface of the restoration according to instructions provided by the laboratory or the manufacturer. (e.g., particle abrasion).
NOTE : Do not clean surfaces with phosphoric acid before application of adhesive.
2. Apply 1 coat of Renew MDP and air dry to remove excess solvent. Light cure for 10 seconds.
Priming of Porcelain (silica-based) or Lithium Disilicate Restorations :
1. Since different ceramics require different surface treatments, contact the laboratory or manufacturer for proper internal surface treatment instructions.
2. Apply 1 coat of Renew MDP and air dry to remove excess solvent. Light cure for 10 seconds. For porcelain veneers it is strongly recommended to use silane X.
3. Desensitization/Sealing of Tooth :
a.) Prepared tooth surface :
Prepare cavity. Wash thoroughly with water spray. Use an absorbent pellet or high volume evacuation (HVE) for 1-2 seconds, to remove excess water (do not desiccate).
1. Dispense 1-2 drops of Renew MDP into a clean well. Replace the cap onto the bottle promptly to avoid evaporation of the solvent.
2. Apply two separate coats Renew MDP, scrubbing the preparation with a microbrush for 10-15 seconds per coat. Do not light cure between coats.
3. Evaporate excess solvent by thoroughly air-drying with an air syringe for at least 10 seconds, there should be no visible movement of the adhesive. The surface should have a uniform glossy appearance; otherwise, apply an additional coat of Renew MDP and repeat Steps 2-3.
4. Light cure for 10 seconds.
5. Continue with provisionalization procedure.
b.) Uncut tooth surface :
1. Clean root surface/uncut tooth by scrubbing with Prevest DenPro’s micron dentine conditoner.
2. Rinse with water and blot dry with an absorbent pellet.
3. Dispense 1-2 drops of Renew MDP into a clean well. Replace the cap onto the bottle promptly to avoid evaporation of the solvent.
4.Apply two separate consecutive coats of Renew MDP, scrubbing the preparation with a microbrush for 10-15 seconds per coat. Do not light cure between coats.
5. Evaporate excess solvent by thoroughly air-drying with an air syringe for at least 10 seconds; there should be no visible movement of the adhesive. The surface should have a uniform glossy appearance
6. Light cure for 10 seconds.
7. Remove the oxygen-inhibited layer with an alcohol-moistened cotton pellet or gauze.
4. Intraoral Repairs :
1. Roughen any surface that will be bonded. Rinse and air dry.
2. Any porcelain or lithium disilicate surfaces present should be treated with hydrofluoric acid for the specified time and handled according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Apply a silane X primer (e.g., PORCELAIN PRIMER) for optimum bond strength and durability of the interface.
NOTE : SilaneX may be used on exposed metal and zirconia surfaces prior to application of Renew MDP.
3. Dispense 1-2 drops of Renew MDP into a clean well. Replace the cap onto the bottle promptly to avoid evaporation of solvent.
4. Apply 1 coat of Renew MDP to the repair site and air dry to remove excess solvent. Light cure for 10 seconds.
5.Proceed with composite layering and finishing.
Endodontic Post Bonding :
1.Prepare post space according to post manufacturer’s instructions.
2. OPTIONAL : Etch post space for 15 seconds. Rinse thoroughly.
3. Remove excess water with a brief burst of air. Using a paper point, remove any pooled water from the post space.
4.Scrub 2 coats of Renew MDP into the canal.
5. Blot the canal dry with a paper point; repeat with a new paper point until the paper point returns dry from the canal. This step is important to make sure that there is no interference in complete seating of endodontic post.
6. Dry thoroughly for approximately 10 seconds to remove excess solvent.
7. Light cure directly over the canal for 20 seconds.
8. Coat the post with Renew MDP, air dry and light cure for 10 seconds.
9. Proceed with cementation according to cement manufacturer’s instructions.
Warnings : Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin (allergic contact dermatitis), and eyes. Avoid prolonged inhalation. Do not take internally. Contact with the skin may cause irritation and hypersensitivity. If contact with skin occurs immediately wipe off thoroughly with cotton and alcohol and then wash well with soap and water. If skin rash and sensitization or other allergic reaction occurs discontinue the use and seek medical attention. If the product comes into contact with the eyes, rinse thoroughly with fresh water and consult a physician. It should not be used with patients who have a history of severe allergic reaction to any of the components.
Precautions :
1. Safety Precautions : The material contains certain methacrylates and other ingredients which may cause irritation or sensitivity in some individuals. If contact occurs with skin, immediately wash with soap and water. Improper use may result in allergic reaction or skin and tissue irritation. If this occurs, discontinue use of this product. Protective gloves and eye wear should be worn while handling this product. If contact occurs with eye. Flush immediately with large volumes of water and seek medical attention immediately. Do not expose materials to elevated temperatures or intense light.
2. Material Precautions :
♦ Renew MDP is a light-curable material. Use it Immediately once it is dispensed in the mixing well. Prolonged exposure to air and light may lead to solvent evaporation and thickening of the adhesive.
The dispensed material shall not be placed back in container and the dose once applied and used shall not be reused.
Contraindications : Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to methacrylate monomers. Do not use as a pulp capping agent. Do not use eugenol-containing materials prior to the use of Renew MDP, since the eugenol can retard the curing process.
Storage conditions : Store at temperature between 10°C(50°F) to 24°C(75°F). Close the cap carefully after use. Keep away from moisture. Shelf life not affected after opening if stores in a cool dry place.
Shelf Life : 2 years from the date of manufacturing.
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